Monday, March 9, 2009

Have you been...

Well, if you have you are in a majority of twits who enjoy your short attention spans rather being than plagued by them. I am not a person who follows every single fad that comes down the pike but I generally try to get as much amusement from these fleeting fancies as I can, for awhile, and then move on. For those of you living under a rock- not exactly living the rock-n-roll life- Twittering is the latest way to keep up with your friends and your fav rock stars, celebrities and significant brothers ! ! LOL

Here's a brief example of what you might expect on your Blackberry if you want to keep up with the latest eaten ham sandwich:

Chris Cornell writes claptrap like:

"I just ate shrimp." or "Don't forget the ceiling. It never stops watching."

John Mayer writes funny stuff or the following:

"Heard the new U2 today. Not sure what to think. I'll have to wait for public opinion so I can think the opposite."

Dave Matthews inanities are unprintable and Taylor Swift's are unbelievably boring:

"Grammy rehearsals today with Miley. We ate an entire pizza in about five minutes."

(They will be looking like the Bobbsey Twins shortly. LOL)

Well, that's the basic idea except every one who are in the media in some form are on there writing this stuff and people actually want to read it. This is proof that just about every one needs to get a life! You might see a few pearls here and there from people like Yoko Ono or political banter from Colin Meloy but most of this stuff is more like what I put up above. It's a great time waster but for myself, I'd rather be watching paint dry to be honest.

Sweet kiss-les for your tweet missiles !

The Castle Lady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Twitterpated. Where have I heard tha before? Hmmm. It's funny I just don't know exactly why I'm laughing.

Gimme a hint! ; )

Sayonara !